…mit wenig Gebackenem, drei Lokalen (Heunisch&Erben, Pizza Sophos, Monte Ofelio), zweimal Sketchnotes, ein paar gestrickten Reihen – und wie immer, den besten Links der letzten Wochen.
Seit dem letzten Zuckersüß habe ich Linzer Torte und Bad Ischler Kaiserschnitten (bald im Blog) gebacken.

Ich habe außerdem weiter meine vergangenen Sonntag dreierlei eingelegten Oliven ~betreut~. Die in Salzlake wirken weitgehend unverändert, das grobe Salz um die trocken eingelegten hat ihnen schon ein bisschen Flüssigkeit entzogen und die im täglich gewechselten Wasser entbittern hoffentlich noch weiter.
Spontane Sonntagabend-Crêpes Suzettes. Brot vom WG-Bäcker mit Rührei. Zwirl und Sauerkraut von Oma. Schweinsbratwürstel mit Kartoffelsalat und süß-pikantem Senf. Unsichtbarer Apfelkuchen, vanillig, puddingmäßig, gebacken von meinem Papa (?!). Ein Croissant in der Mercerie (1090), eines von Beaulieu (1010).

Ein paar Snacks und ein Glas Wein im Heunisch & Erben (1030, hier dazu mehr). Auf ein paar Drinks und Bruschette ins Monte Ofelio Augarten (1020). Lieblingspizzastücke (je 3,20€) bei SOPHOS (1090/ U6 Alser Straße).
James Bond Goldfinger (inspiriert von dieser RadioWissen-Folge) und Cocaine Bear (den ausgestopften hatte ich 2017 IRL gesehen).

Ich habe zwei Veranstaltungen in Sketchnotes festgehalten: das 25-jährige Jubiläum des Programms für Frauengesundheit der Stadt Wien und das 32. Podcasterei-Meetup, wo Iris Borovcnik von sisigrant einen Talk gehalten hat.
Ein paar Reihen an der Seascape Stole (hier bei ravelry). Endlich alle Fäden des Rumble Raglan vernäht (s. Titelbild).
Im Blog: Heunisch & Erben, Linzer Torte, Kürbis-Scones mit Kaffee-Guss
Anderswo: „Begrenzt durch physikalische Realitäten“, mein ausführliches Interview mit Kenji López-Alt in der neuesten Effilee-Doppelausgabe, „Geldlos in Seattle“ in Augustin 608, neue Fotos von den Schnitzereien meines Vaters auf seiner Webseite gogos-kunstwerke.de, darunter mein derzeitiger Favorit Soleil.

Hier folgen meine liebsten Links der letzten Woche:
KP+: Banana Split Blondies
Blondies mit kandierten Ananas und Kirschen, Walnüssen, Erdbeermarmelade und Schokolade aus „Nature’s Candy“ von Camilla Wynne.
Caramelised honey tahini ice cream – by Marie Havnoe Frank
Ich muss endlich mal wieder Eis machen!
Chickpea, chestnut, pumpkin and rosemary – Dinner Document
Auf so eine Suppe habe ich große Lust.
The Billionaire Is the Threat, Not the Solution – 404 media
tax the rich etc etc.
But the truth is that Jeff Bezos is a man who has made his wealth by extracting an unfathomable amount of value from his employees and by running ruthless workplaces. At Amazon corporate, in Amazon warehouses, and in Amazon delivery vans. He has amassed so much wealth that 250,000 people or 2.5 million people canceling their subscriptions to anything he owns is not even a rounding error. If he wanted to, Jeff Bezos could keep the Washington Post in operation indefinitely with zero subscribers, forever. The Post is not making a profit right now and it exists at the moment in the way that it exists because Jeff Bezos can afford to take a loss on his Washington Post side project without batting an eye and currently feels like doing so.
no. 91: food as infrastructure – let them eat cake
Interessante Unterhaltung zwischen Autor TW Lim und Engineering-Professorin Deb Chachra.
TW: Which is really interesting because this touches on your idea of the ultrastructure. And one of the reasons we’re having this conversation at all is, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about hawker centers in Singapore and how they are almost infrastructural, in that after we’ve resettled most of the population within 10 minutes of a hawker center, women’s workforce participation just went way up. And of course, there were other factors at play as well. But I have to think that the ability to just not cook is part of it.
Deb: You know, I have a standing joke that Indian food is a cuisine that’s designed to keep women in subjugation. It’s just incredibly labor intensive. To make chapatis, or even just to make daily meals, it’s not like you put everything together, you stick your one-dish meal in the oven and you forget about it. And Peranakan food is that way as well. A lot of these cuisines evolved based on the idea that there was this free workforce making food for you á la minute. Like in India, it’s like, ”oh, chapatis are only good if they come straight off the tawa,” and so you know, mom is in the kitchen cooking chapatis and everyone else is at the dinner table and the chapatis are coming out and being served to them. Except that somehow the fact that your chapatis were made 10 minutes ago is fine when you’re mom, it’s not fine for anyone else.
IYKYK: When Novels Speak a Language Only Part of the Internet Gets | The Walrus (via Links I Would GChat You)
Die übertriebene Zeitgeistigkeit mancher Romane stört mich persönlich ziemlich, zuletzt z.B. in I’m a Fan von Sheena Patel oder self care von Leigh Stein.
What journalist W. David Marx calls “savvy consumers,” those desiring cool and convention-breaking pop culture, are still consumers. When the names of products or celebrities appear in a book, they prick us like a targeted ad, jumping from the page as digestible morsels. Reference novels work because of globalized digitization; the danger in them is the possibility of further narrowing our taste to revolve only around what we encounter online, often as things to buy.
How America Embraced Gender War – The New Yorker (via Links I Would GChat You)
Jia Tolentino les ich immer gerne.
Men who voted for Trump fear what women might actually want; women who voted for Harris fear what will be done to them against their will. In the imaginary world ruled by angry lesbian socialist girlbosses, there is absolutely nothing to stop you from being a barefoot, pregnant homemaker at twenty-four if you’d like to be one. In the increasingly non-hypothetical world ruled by far-right Trumpists, the blissful servitude of women must be insured by removing their control over their bodies, and ideally, actually, by removing them from the public sphere altogether.
On Martha – From the Desk of Alicia Kennedy
Über DIE Figur der US-amerikanischen Food-Medien.
In the current fragmented media landscape, there’s no one doyenne of domesticity who reigns. Everyone chooses their own favorites in the parasocial olympics, and so to understand the kitchen in the U.S., we keep looking back. Maybe we need to look at each other, talk to each other, cook with each other—look sideways, not up. How can we harness the power of domesticity for a better future? This is the question that I need to keep top of mind right now. Martha reminded me.
Mycology for Dummies – Janis Hopkins (via Web Curios)
Schöner Essay.
Writing about drugs can be difficult because so many people have an instinctively negative reaction to hearing about them. Something about their illegality, their countercultural prestige, the way they shape the lives of those who use them, means that it’s hard to listen to someone expounding on them without thinking, yeah, okay, we get it, you take drugs.
The Corruption of Open Source | Tech Won’t Save Us |The Nation
Eine ausführliche Aufdröselung des Konflikts um WordPress und WP Engine und die Schwierigkeit, tatsächlich demokratische Softwareprojekte instandzuhalten.
James Bond – Männlichkeit im Spiegel der Zeit – radioWissen | BR Podcast
Über die sich verändernden Geschlechterrollen der Filmserie.
Versteckte Kalorien (1972) – ORF ON

- 2023: Schoko-Salzkaramell-Brandteigkrapferl mit Orange
- 2022: Bananen-Kokos-Frühstücksmuffins
- 2021: Zitronen-Kurkuma-Kastenkuchen
- 2020: Birne-Helene-Tarte mit Walnuss
- 2019: Schokokekse mit Erdnussbutterfüllung
- 2018: Germknödel
- 2017: Apfel-Clafoutis
- 2016: Zimtschnecken-Apfeltarte
- 2015: Schoko-Walnuss-Scones
- 2014: Mandel-Pancakes mit gebräunter Butter
- 2013: Schoko-Bananen-Guglhupf
- 2012: Löffelkekse
- 2011: Zimtschnecken
- 2010: Vanille Whoopie Pies mit Karamellfüllung
- 2009: Hirschknöpf