In der vergangenenn Woche habe ich Erdnussbutter-Miso-Cookies gebacken (bald im Blog!), mein halbes Fensterbrettgrünzeug mit Burrata und geschmorten Tomaten gegessen und Basilikum-Cupcakes mit Zitronen-Ricotta-Frosting gemacht (sehr stark angelehnt an die Zitronen-Basilikum-Cupcakes von vor fünf Jahren).
Burrata, geschmorte Tomaten, Brot und alles Grünzeug, was das Fensterbrett hergibt Basilikum-Cupcakes mit Zitronen-Ricotta-Frosting
Außerdem habe ich drei Interviews fürs Radio geführt, was einerseits dazu geführt hat, dass ich um 10 Uhr morgens den signature dish des Mochi – Crispy Prawn Salad mit scharfer Mayo und Yuzu-Dressing – probiert habe und andererseits eine halbe Stunde in dem Restaurant verbracht habe, das seit fast zwei Jahren auf meiner „Da muss ich unbedingt mal essen“-Liste an erster Stelle steht: Das Mraz&Sohn in der Brigittenau. Und dann (etwas weniger spektakulär, aber genauso interessant) habe ich noch im DiningRuhm besten Fisch für Sushi angeschaut.
Apropos Radio: Meine Senf-Sendung für Moment Kulinarium lief am Freitag auf Ö1, hier ist sie noch ein paar Tage nachzuhören, hier habe ich ein paar Worte zu ihrer Entstehung aufgeschrieben.
Crispy Prawn Salad im Mochi Leberkassemmel + Essiggurkerl: Mraz&Sohn-Markenzeichen
Hier folgt eine SEHR lange Linkliste:
Avocado Pit Orgeat – PUNCH
Überraschende Idee (gefunden via dieser tollen Auflistung von Alternativ-Orgeats)
Skordalia (Greek Garlic and Potato Spread) Recipe – SeriousEats
Die griechische Version von Erdäpfelkas?
Am Boden bleiben
Mit dem Zug von Berlin nach Agadir. Supercool!
Noch ist die Fernreise mit dem Zug ein kostspieligeres und komplizierteres Vergnügen. Fluggesellschaften zahlen quasi keine Steuern und werden in Krisenzeiten von den SteuerzahlerInnen gerettet, es gibt so gut wie keine Nachtzüge mehr und auch keine globale Buchungsmöglichkeit. Aber je mehr von uns genau das vorleben, was sie von der Politik einfordern und je weniger Menschen sich dem Klimaalbtraum Flugzeug hingeben, desto schneller wird sich das ändern. Und bereits jetzt macht das Reisen ohne Kerosin viel mehr Spaß! Natürlich hat nicht jedeR stets Zeit für lange Reisen mit dem Zug. Unsere globale Tourismuskultur hat den fernen Kurztrip als neuen Normalzustand definiert und ein Wandel zum nachhaltigen Reisen ist auch erstmal ein Kulturwandel. Aber vielleicht können wir uns ja schon mal angewöhnen, zumindest eine Richtung nicht mehr im Flieger zu verbringen. Jeder nicht geflogene Kilometer rettet diesen Planeten vor dem baldigen Kollaps.
A Woman Who Makes Bags For Michael Kors Was Sent To One Of The Most Crowded Prisons In The World For A Facebook Post – Buzzfeed
Fast Fashion Sweatshop-Ausbeutung hört im Luxussegment nicht auf…
Soy’s arrest is part of a pattern that has plagued fashion brands since the pandemic began. As brands close outlets across North America and Europe, putting unsold stock from these stores on discount sales online, they are also canceling orders from their suppliers and reneging on payments. In the shadow of a looming economic crisis, supply chain partners for major brands across Asia have been accused of union-busting (getting rid of unionized workers who know their rights, or “troublemakers”) to eventually replace them with a younger, more desperate, or more subservient workforce. Garment industry experts say a huge reason manufacturers are able to get away with this: race.
Building an authentic personal brand: The Artbabe Journey – Jessica Abel
Ich habe meine letzte BA-Arbeit zum Thema personal branding geschrieben und zwar aus einer sehr kritischen, feministischen Perspektive. Dieser sehr persönliche Rückblick der Cartoonistin Jessica Abel (ihr Buch Out on the Wire ist großartig, btw) bringt für mich eine neue, angenehmere Perspektive auf das Thema.
If you’re a professional creative, or want to be, an online home for your work is an unskippable prerequisite. And when you get so scared you avoid it, you’re cutting off your own ability to grow professionally.
The very thought of authentic personal brand would have made my younger self shudder (okay, gag), but in actual fact, a brand is less a shiny, polished representation of your aesthetic essence, and more about helping people find and connect with you and who you are.
What I Learned from Visiting the Most Instagrammed Outdoor Places – Outside Online (via Kopfzeiler)
Der Einfluss von Instagram auf die offline-Welt gehört auch zu den Themen, über die ich gerne lese und nachdenke.
If I’m being honest, this place makes me feel like a trespasser. If I’m being honest, I feel lonely here. At a wash about a mile into the canyon, there’s a Kokopelli symbol painted on the rock, which Yazzie says we may photograph. I pull out my phone a little too gratefully. It’s my connection to the world I inhabit and understand. I miss my ability to text a picture of what I’m seeing in real time to my son in New York, to read his reactions in the messages pinging right back. It’ll never get old for me, this ability we now have to bridge worlds in seconds.
The Documented Life – NYTimes
Sherry Turkle, eine STS-Professorin, hat diesen Artikel schon 2013 geschrieben, ich finde er ist auch jetzt noch sehr aufschlussreich.
A selfie, like any photograph, interrupts experience to mark the moment. In this, it shares something with all the other ways we break up our day, when we text during class, in meetings, at the theater, at dinners with friends. And yes, at funerals, but also more regularly at church and synagogue services. We text when we are in bed with our partners and spouses. We watch our political representatives text during sessions.Technology doesn’t just do things for us. It does things to us, changing not just what we do but who we are. The selfie makes us accustomed to putting ourselves and those around us “on pause” in order to document our lives. It is an extension of how we have learned to put our conversations “on pause” when we send or receive a text, an image, an email, a call. When you get accustomed to a life of stops and starts, you get less accustomed to reflecting on where you are and what you are thinking.
YouTube’s Psychic Wounds – CJR
Der Einfluss von YouTube auf Politik und darüber hinaus.
Now YouTube is a million times bigger—an indispensable, life-enhancing tool, and also a source of poisonous neo-medieval yammering. There’s much more to sift through, good and evil. We’re told that after the 2016 elections Google made adjustments to YouTube’s recommendation algorithm, so as not to lead impressionable gun-owning zealots frictionlessly down tunnels of paranoia. No one outside of Google knows exactly what the algorithmic changes were—those are proprietary—but we do know that some objectionable videos were removed and that others were affixed with “information cues,” as Susan Wojcicki, YouTube’s CEO, has called them. Little boxes began to appear below certain postings, with links to relevant articles on Wikipedia, in a feeble attempt to redirect viewers of extreme misinformation—stories claiming that high school shootings are hoaxes, that the moon landing was staged, that lizard-brained blood-drinking space creatures are taking over the world, etc. Things got a bit better.
What Is a Feminist City? A Better World Built for Us All – BItch Media
Geschlechtergerechte und inklusive Stadtplanung finde ich wahnsinnig interessant.
If women, on whose shoulders so much of the responsibility for family [care] falls (especially in COVID-19 times), were to say, “We’re going to organize care differently,” it would shatter our economy. From an urban perspective, focusing on friendship as a way of thinking about alternate [forms] of kinship and care relationships could also destabilize how we design our cities: Are we too focused on the single family home, a particular kind of [housing] unit, or how we organize the home versus work versus school versus consumption versus leisure? If we reimagined kinship relationships, it may allow us to reimagine how the city is set up.
How did flexible work turn from a feminist ideal to a trap? – Sarah Stoller | Aeon Essays (via Joy the Baker)
Ich bin mir auch nicht sicher, ob mein ziemlich flexibler (und enorm prekärer!) Job Fluch oder Segen ist.
Moving forward arguably requires a new language that isn’t centred on mothers, or parents, or even family-friendliness or work-life balance. What ties communities together isn’t employment but, first and foremost, the bonds of care. The future of work must involve a reckoning with our collective responsibility for and to our children, as well as the elderly, the sick and other vulnerable but vital members of our society. Moreover, it must be a vision that grasps these responsibilities not solely in terms of labour but as encompassing a range of human values.
Just Too Efficient ongoing by Tim Bray ·(via Kopfzeiler)
Interessante Überlegungen in einem interessanten Blog, das sogleich in meinen Feed-Reader wanderte.
Item, item, item; as the world grows more efficient it grows less flavorful and less human. Because the more efficient you are, the less humans you need. The end-game · Efficiency, taken to the max, can get very dark.
Prime labor: Dangerous injuries at Amazon warehouses – Reaveal (via ongoing)
Amazon ist einfach evil.
The company does instruct workers on the safe way to move their bodies and handle equipment. But several former workers said they had to break the safety rules to keep up. They would jump or stretch to reach a top rack instead of using a stepladder. They would twist and bend over to grab boxes instead of taking time to squat and lift with their legs. They would hoist extra-heavy items alone to avoid wasting time getting help. They had to, they said, or they would lose their jobs. So they took the risk.
Then, if they got hurt, they would lose their jobs anyway. Even some workers who loved the pace, camaraderie and compensation at Amazon’s fulfillment centers told Reveal that they were quickly replaced as soon as their bodies broke down.
History Will Judge the Complicit – The Atlantic (via ongoing )
Eigentlich habe ich mir vorgennommen, mich weniger mit US-amerikanischer Politik zu beschäftigen, weil lange schon klar ist, dass das alles nur mehr entfernt mit Demokratie zu tun hat. Ich will diesem Land nicht mehr Stellenwert geben, als es verdient hat (alternativ könnt ich z.B. ja auch über Staaten im globalen Süden lesen, die so selten betrachtet werden). Diesen laaaaangen Longread von Anne Applebaum habe ich dann aber doch durchgelesen, auch, weil sie viele Parallelen zur DDR oder Vichy-Frankreich zieht.
The existential nature of the threat from “the left” has been spelled out many times. “Our liberal-left present reality and future direction is incompatible with human nature,” wrote Michael Anton, in “The Flight 93 Election.” The Fox News anchor Laura Ingraham has warned that “massive demographic changes” threaten us too: “In some parts of the country it does seem like the America that we know and love doesn’t exist anymore.” This is the Vichy logic: The nation is dead or dying—so anything you can do to restore it is justified. Whatever criticisms might be made of Trump, whatever harm he has done to democracy and the rule of law, whatever corrupt deals he might make while in the White House—all of these shrink in comparison to the horrific alternative: the liberalism, socialism, moral decadence, demographic change, and cultural degradation that would have been the inevitable result of Hillary Clinton’s presidency.
The American Death Cult – Anil Dash
Nochmal USA. Diese These habe ich schonmal irgendwo gelesen, aber ich komm nicht mehr drauf, wo…
For example much of the framing for the battles around responding to the COVID pandemic is based on presenting the logical, rational, scientific argument around certain risks, generally culminating in a plaintive declaration, „If we don’t do this, more people will die!“
The broken part of this tactic is that it presumes that those being reasoned with are against people dying. Thoughtful, well-intentioned people really struggle with anticipating a response of „So what?“ when presented with the incontrovertible risk of innocent people dying.
You’ve Hit the Follow Button. Now What? — The Sofrito Project
Über Rassismus in Food Media.
We share the same uneasy yet frustrating feeling when we endlessly scroll the social media feeds of brands, companies, food suppliers, fellow chefs, cooks, food writers, and bloggers and not see a single face or a singular hand that looks like ours. The same hands that, more than likely, originally created the food content being shown to begin with, but was appropriated by others and pushed into mainstream food media as a new “trendy” or “ethnic” superfood dish to the masses.
When It Comes to a Recipe, What’s in a Name? –
Bettina Makalintal zum gleichen Thema:
What we call a dish can either ground it in a particular culinary history, or it can remove a dish from that culture entirely. With translation comes a level of separation, as the idea of a dish’s audience is shifted; calling roti a „balloon bread“ or bibimbap a „rice bowl“ is a choice to appeal to a specific sensibility. As platforms diversify their selection of recipes, each one is trying to sell you on dishes it assumes you don’t already know how to make, and every online recipe aims to make an argument for why you should rely on it above all others. To make that case, food is packaged for „mainstream“ consumption: Ideally, anyone should want to click on it.
How Will I Know – Whitney Houston (Isolated Vocal)
Sehr faszinierend anzuhören.
50 Songs That Define the Last 50 Years of LGBTQ+ Pride – Pitchfork
Ich glaube, ich habe diesen Artikel schon mal verlinkt, aber erst jetzt habe ich mich durch einen Teil der Songs (so viel Disco!!!) gehört und die ganzen Referenzen gegoogelt.
- It Must Be Love [Labi Siffre] is pure sweetness, a lovely pop gem about that rush of emotion in a young relationship. It manages, with its plangent chords, to feel real instead of syrupy
- I Love The Nightlife – Alicia Bridges
- Packed skyward with handclaps, tambourine shakes, and lazer synths, not only is “You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real) [Sylvester]” a stone-cold classic of the disco era, it’s a revelation of queer desire.
- Levan’s reworking of the track [Loose Joints – Is It All Over My Face] is a masterpiece of throbbing, risqué, suspenseful funk—an off-kilter confluence of electric keys, propulsive bass, sinewy drumming by Philadelphia’s John Ingram, and a blasé, haughty Melvina Woods vocal (“Is it all over my face?/You got me love dancing”). No song better captures the vibey, druggy, slightly dissociated erotics of downtown New York in its post-disco thrall.
- Tainted Love – Gloria Jones (später gecovert von Soft Cell)
- Pinning singer Jimmy Somerville’s gender is hard at first—in his long cry that is Smalltown Boy [Bronski Beat] it feels like it could come from queer youth anywhere who were eager to escape their small towns.
- Queeny, campy, catchy, and swooningly romantic, it wrapped up all the typical lost-love trappings already so ubiquitous in pop music (“Oh l’amour [Erasure], mon amour/What’s a boy in love supposed to do?”)
- Chicago house was dance music created in, and intended for, black gay clubs. It featured programmed drums, sequencers, bass modules, and eerie synthesizers, these sometimes married to traditional gospel keys and churchy, uplifting vocals. Of its small handful of standalone classics, Ten City’s R&B chart hit “That’s the Way Love Is” stands above.
- Double Exposure – My Love Is Free
- But the truth of “Forrest Gump” [Frank Ocean] is spelled out perfectly clear, so corporeally. “You run my mind, boy,” Ocean sings on this spare soul ballad, his voice disarmingly close, letting through the occasional cracked and vulnerable note.
- „Queen“ – Perfume Genius: „Hadreas channeled a lifetime of cold stares from strangers and draped them in sheets of glitter.
- „Girl“ – The Internet It’s a song about a woman, sung by a woman; it’s unapologetically, openly queer. But it’s also an ordinary love song, concerned with the intimate universe that can exist between just two people
- „Imperfections“ – Starrah & Diplo
- „Make Me Feel“ – Janelle Monáe (s. a. diese Switched on Pop-Folge mit Lizzo, wo es um diesen Song geht) [is] a tribute to form—the shivering, shuddering pop made by Prince, her sometime-mentor and collaborator on the track […]. It’s an ode to queer joy and an ode to the human form, delighted with delight and fully turned on.
- If “Bloom [Troy Sivan]” were really about flowers, it could have been a hit for any artist from Doris Day to Taylor Swift. But it’s 2018, and so this beautifully made song about the power of love reveals itself as a power ballad for power bottoms, irresistibly sung by a twink with a wink. (s.a. die weniger glatte Live-Version)
Instant Gramification – 99% Invisible
Podcastfolge über eine Wand in London, die zur Insta-Sensation wurde. Dazu gibts ausführliche Shownotes, die schon eher ein eigener Artikel zum Thema sein könnten.
The architects at Assemble weren’t trying to lure people to the backlands of East London, but they accidentally designed the perfect Instagram fly trap—a wall that met all the criteria of what stands out on the app. Whether we like it or not, Instagram is creating new rules about what kind of design looks good and what deserves our attention.
Bouffons #98 – Cocktails en lutte
Über Rum und Sklaverei, sowie Cocktails und Geschlechterstereotype.
How Journalist Adam Ragusea Became a YouTube Star – Slate Working
Ein Food-YouTuber, der mal als „klassischer“ Journalist gearbeitet hat, über seine Arbeit.
A Feast For Your Ears – Transom
Tolle Podcast/Radio-Kritik an Beispielen aus der englischsprachigen Welt.
I’ve gathered together a selection of great work I’ve heard in the last few months. Clips from podcasts and stories that feature great writing and creative production — from the trippy to simple interviews to poetry — on topics ranging from the pandemic and police killings to artificial intelligence and the origins of Miami hip hop.
Flip The Truck Podcast #160 – Christopher Nolans Zeit und Traum
Flip the Truck diesmal mit der großartigen Ines Häufler (die btw auch mal in meinem Podcast zu Gast war) und Alex Lazarov.
Himbeeren am Strauch
- 2019:Negron – oder so ähnlich
- 2018: Eine fast vegane Dinnerparty
- 2017: Basilikum-Zitronen-Eis
- 2016: Harcha und ein marokkanisches Abendessen mit Freund_innen
- 2015: Kokos-Ingwer-Kuchen mit Orangensirup
- 2014: Goldene Walnussmuffins
- 2013: Reese’s Cups
- 2012: Süßes Fastfood
- 2011: Haferflockencookies
- 2010: Johannisbeermuffins
Negron Das Menü und die improvisierte Tischdeko Basilikum-Zitronen-Eis Harcha und selbstgemachtes Speckia Kokos-Ingwerkuchen mit Orangensirup Goldene Walnussmuffins Reese’s Cups Süßes Fastfood Haferflocken-Cookies Johannisbeermuffins